Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning – Definition

Artificial Intelligence, simply AI is a word newly added to the lexicon of humans. Then what is AI? Before that, let’s see those terms individually. Artificial means, it’s not natural and created by humans. Intelligence is the ability to understand, think, and learn. Investopedia defines AI as “the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions”. This is our first ever article on Artificial Intelligence. AI is not a myth or an unrealistic thing thanks to the years of researches and development. Algorithms are crucial for the structure of Artificial Intelligence. Simple algorithms are used in simple AI systems and complex algorithms are used in more advanced and stronger AI.
There is a mix of good and bad feedback to AI from society. Some say AI is the last ever invention of mankind. Tesla CEO, Elon Musk notably explained the importance of regulating AI in several interviews. He called AI is humanity’s “biggest existential threat” and compare it to “summoning the demon” at MIT in 2014. But most people believe AI is a huge technological revolution of our civilization.
Artificial Intelligent is not a fancy robot thing like you would see all over in the internet and sci-fi movies. Tesla Motors using it for self-driving vehicles. Apple, Amazon, SpaceX, doing a lot with AI in their production and operations. And maybe, you have already interacted with AI in day to day life without realizing it. Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant have been created with AI. Do you have ever asked Alexa to order food or make Netflix movie suggestions? Or when you use Facebook or Google, they suggest news for you to see. All of those are also using Artificial Intelligence. So, like that AI and Machine Learning are now used in diversified areas like Healthcare, Engineering, Space, Finance, Gaming, and Music. The goals of AI including learning, reasoning, perception, problem-solving, etc.
When we talk about AI, we can’t skip Machine Learning. Machine Learning is a subfield of AI. Machine Learning means enabling computers to learn on their own. Computers are learning through trials and errors. There are 2 ways computers learn by themselves. First is Rote Learning. This is relatively easy to implement. Computers will provide solutions based on previous experience has stored in their memory. Other one is Generalization which is relatively difficult to implement. In this method, computers applying past experience to solve brand-new problems and situations. Problem-solving capabilities with Machine Learning are better than do it with old school programming. Less time consuming, and more accurate results. But Machine Learning programs sometimes can’t explain their decisions. So, the Algorithm could perform well in a more biased and wrong direction. That’s one of the major drawbacks of it.
In the near future, AI would be less Artificial and more Intelligence. What it means. It will more difficult to distinguish AI-based computers from actual humans and will do all of the work of an intelligent worker. Repetitive and time-consuming works will be done by AI. So, there would be mass unemployment issue in the future. But all of us need to find the balance between AI and human workers. If then, there will be no such issue. So this is Inventho’s explanation of what is Artificial Intelligence. You can expect more articles on AI and Machine Learning. So stay tuned with us by subscribing to our website or Facebook page.